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Advice For Landing The Right Job

5 Tips To Answer The Haunting Question: "What Job Is Right For Me?"

One thing they teach you in college: Finding a job is important.

Here’s something they don’t teach you: finding the right job is even more important!

Trying to break into fashion is especially challenging. It's an industry that continues to uphold the myth that any job in the field is a good one, as long as you have a foot in the door.  

Follow these 5 tips to find the  right job for you:


Tip Number One: Identify what you want—and value—in a job.

Conduct a self-assessment and see what your core values are. It's vital to get a good sense of these values (i.e. creativity, teamwork, or integrity) and make sure the employer you’re seeking has a company culture and environment that’s a good fit for you. The actual work is important, but so are the company’s mores.

Are you most comfortable in a loose start-up environment, or do you tend to do better in a more corporate atmosphere? These are things to consider when seeking a job.

Tip Number Two:  Look back on former experiences as an education in yourself.

Ask yourself: Have I ever been in a role that I wasn’t happy with and why? How did you feel? Those questions will help pin down your feelings, your happiness, your performance, and will ultimately educate you on your job choices.

Tip Number Three: Utilize all the resources you have to learn about potential employers.

When you’re thinking about joining a company, do all the research you can to triple-check it’s a good fit. Go to the website, speak to a mentor, and try to connect with current employees for the real scoop.

Tip Number Four: During the interview process, be honest and forthcoming.

Never be fake. Form connections with people by saying something truthful and meaningful rather than simply stating what you think the other person wants to hear.

Really be honest and transparent about what it is you’re passionate about. Say, “This is a passion of mine, and I would love to be able to bring that into the office.” Make sure that this is a part of your dialogue with a potential manager and your co-workers. Take note if there is anything currently happening in the local community that you think should be implemented within that culture.

Why do this? That's simple. You’ve immediately addressed your concern by creating a dialog with your potential manager, instead of waiting for permission that it’s okay to bring your passion to work with you.

Tip Number Five: Above all, don’t sell yourself short.

Don’t accept a full-time offer just because, well, what choice do you have? Make it a win-win for yourself, and for your future employer by holding out for something that’ll be right for both of you.