If You Are Pursuing a Career in Fashion For the Money, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed

Your Best Judge is Your Own Happiness
I know there are many fashion industry professionals out there who love what they do for a living, despite the fact that they make less money than their counterparts who have pursued a career in a different industry. However, there are the lucky ones who love what they do and feel their compensation mirrors their happiness.
If it’s any consolation to the percentage of professionals who find their pockets empty while their career is thriving, I am right there with ya. I have had my share of career ups and downs, which have also come to mirror my monetary compensation. In fact, the job where I was most happy I made less than I had ever made in my career. On the flip side, a position I had where I was least happy I made the most money. Those who have chosen a career in this industry know very early that it is an extremely competitive and difficult field to break into.
The key is to remain positive and believe in what you’re trying to create. If you remain determined, you will bring about your vision and soon others will have confidence in your abilities, no matter what niche you pursue within the industry. In the end, your best judge is your own happiness.